January 24

Looks can be deceiving. The project is alive, but for now being developed in a private repo. We're looking for partners to bring the public repo back up-to-date. The newest version has a Course Builder, and supports e-commerce. About a 1,000 commits have been made, that are not yet available here. Contact us.


February 28

WNGX 4.0.0a released!


Thursday, December 29

v4 testing with courses already published on our v2 platform are on-going.
Happy New Year. Слава Україні! Героям слава!

Tuesday, June 7th

Summer of coding: new commits, and work to get us to a v4 alpha. How are you spending your summer? =)


Monday, November 15th

IndieGOGO Stage 1 has started!

Tuesday, August 24th

The Open WebCourses Facebook page was unveiled today.

July 29th

The bookmarks are in from the printers. Thank you to Joanna at 74 Ksero Printers on Kluczborska street in Wrocław for help with preparing the final file, and the friendly, quick and professional service. Enlarge photo

July 26th

The bookmark promos have been sent off to the printer.
Grab a copy of the bookmark PDF.