We are working to democratise online learning.
From a jQuery front and a custom PHP back end v1, to v4 built on Angular, Bootstrap and Laravel: we're nearing the release of a production ready Open WebCourses (WNGX) v4 and are looking for partners to help us with the final push.
We're still entering a lot of course data directly into the database. With your support we'll develop a user interface and allow anyone to build a web course without needing to go through us.

To the left you see a heavily filtered picture of someone known as Sławomir B.
Hi, and welcome to webcourses.io. For now, I'm filling several roles on the Open WebCourses project, and am looking forward to hand over the reins of some tasks to capable individuals.
And to the right is a smart looking, black and white photo of Piotrek S.
Piotrek is deepening his knowledge of dev-ops, while staying up to date and curious about developments in all sort of areas of internet technologies. Without his guidance Open WebCourses would be built using antiquated methods, and surely collapse soon.

Smart, like a fox.
This could be you. Smart, creative, genuine. We're working to grow the Open WebCourses team so we can deliver better features, faster. Follow us for more details this summer (northern hemisphere, of course!)
This excellent image was captured by @howlingRed70 at unsplash.com.